Automated Camera Calibration

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Camera calibration is a task as old as computer vision, but still today experience and supervision are crucial for getting valuable and reliable results. How to automate the calibration process via a robot for example? How to enable unskilled operators? In other words, how to put the calibration experience in an algorithm, without any compromise […]

3D Morphable Models

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Have you ever wondered how animation artists create near-to-human faces in animations? Think about monsters or caricatures. Well, maybe we don’t know the exact answer, but now we’ve an idea, and you can easily try it by yourself! Take a 3D Morphable Model #3DMM), like the Basel Face Model ( that we’re currently using in a […]

3D and Deep Learning: Implicit Representation?

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One of the questions most addressed at ECCV 2020 was: How can we represent the 3D space in a suitable way for learning-based methods? Point-Clouds, Voxels, Meshes are some of the existing approaches, all with their pros (few) and cons (many). Implicit representation, on the other hand, is a relatively new idea in which the 3D […]

DVC @ ECCV 2018 in Munich

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This year Deep Vision Consulting was among the lucky ones that made it to the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) in Munich, see The conference sold out quickly and unfortunately many people couldn’t attend. Our field is witnessing an unprecedent and unpredictable growth and it’s exiting as a company to be on the […]


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Sono onorato di aver contribuito ad EXPO 2015 a Milano, sviluppando il motore di visione artificiale presso l’exhibit “Mi Albero”, il Pulsare della Vita, presso il Children Park. Un ringraziamento speciale a Michele Zini (ZPZ Partners) e Giovanni Faglioni (Nabla2). “Mi Albero” è un gioco interattivo per i più piccoli, basato su proiezioni a muro, […]


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Ho fatto alcuni test con Hololens alcune settimane fa ed è davvero fantastico! Mi era stato chiesto uno studio di fattibilità per realtà aumentata ad alta precisione a corto raggio, ed Hololens non è risultato lo strumento adatto probabilmente, ma fuori da questo ambito specifico, che magnifico oggetto! Guardate i video qui sotto. Il primo […]